
Love Letter of a Yukaghir girl

There are now two Yukaghir languages, Tundra (Northern) and Kolyma (Southern) Yukaghir, spoken in several small communities in the Yakut (Saha) Republic in the North-East of Russia. As of 1987, there were approximately 150 native speakers of Tundra Yukaghir, and less than 50 speakers of Kolyma Yukaghir. The genetic affiliation of Yukaghir is controversial: some linguists take these languages to be an isolated language group, others, a branch of the Yukaghir-Ural language family.

Browse these pages if you are interested in Yukaghir!




Papers on-line




Online Documentation of Kolyma Yukaghir (by Irina Nikolaeva)
Reindeer People: maps and pictures
Yukaghir: a bibliographical guide
Humanistic texts: English translations of Yukaghir songs
Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Tundra Yukaghir version)
L'auravetl'an Indigenous Information Center, Yukagir


Markus Bergman
Language contacts, Ecolinguistics
Michael Fortescue
Language contacts
Elena Maslova
Grammar, Discourse-related phenomena
E-mail your question!
Irina Nikolaeva
Phonology, Comparative studies
Joke Philipsen


Krejnovich, Eruhim A.
1958. Jukagirskij jazyk. Moscow -- Leningrad: Nauka.
Maslova, Elena
2003a. A Grammar of Kolyma Yukaghir. Mouton Grammar Library, 27.
2003b. Tundra Yukaghir. LINCOM Europa. Languages of the World/Materials 372.


Jochelson, Woldemar
1898. Obrazcy materialov po izhucheniju jukagirskogo jazyka i fol'klora, sobrannyje v Jakutskoj ekspedicii. Izvestija Imperatorskoj Akademii Nauk. , 8: 151-177.
1900. Materialy po izucheniju jukagirskogo jazyka i fol'klora. I. Sankt Petersburg. Imperatorskaja Akademija Nauk..
Maslova, Elena (ed.)
2001. Yukaghir Texts. Harrassowitz Verlag, Tunguso-Sibirica 7. A collection of 10 Tundra Yukaghir texts and 5 Kolyma Yukaghir texts, with morph-to-moprh translations, indices and vocabularies.
Nikolaeva, Irina (ed.)
1989. Fol'klor jukagirov Verxnej Kolymy. Vols. 1-2. Jakutsk: Jakutskij gosudarstvennyi Universitet.
1997. Yukaghir texts. Szombathely: Specimina Sibirica.
1999. Chrestomathia Jucagirica. Budapest: ELTE.

Page maintained by Elena Maslova, maslova@jps.net Copyright(c) Elena Maslova. Created: 9/19/01 at 20:00:01 Updated: 01.03.2003 at 12:45:41